Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow

Well, after holding out for 18 months, we finally got Benjamin his first real haircut. Luckily, things went very smooth. We took him to Doolittles - a child haircut speciality salon - and Benjamin did fantastic. He sat in a blue jeep and watch Tom and Jerry - sitting still for almost the entire process. We tried to do some before and after pics of Mr. Curly Hair, as well as during the cut itself. Check out the pics below. I even added a movie (taken from our camera so sorry about the shakes) of Benjamin playing at home on his favorite toy.

This is at home before we left.

This is at Doolittles before the haircut.

This is the haricut in action.

And here we are - back at home after the big first cut.

And now I need to catch up on some playing.

Ok, time to relax in my favorite chair with a snack. Aren't I a hansom devil. :-)

And for you viewing pleasure, here is Benjamin and the Slide - After the Cut!