Welcome to the Cole Family Blog. Yes, yes, I know - it's about time! With all the craziness around two working parents, maintaining a house, and raising a family, it has been tough for us to try and fit this into our schedules.
But Becky and I both realize how fun and interesting a family blog can be. One of the best things we hope to do is create a detailed history for Benjamin to look back on and read about when he gets older. People our age tend to have some Polaroids and great stories from Mom and Dad about growing up, but in this day and age, how cool would it be to have it all on a blog.
So, here we go. We're going to try and start a new habit of posting here often and adding lots of pictures. We may even blog about sum exciting stuff that has happened in the past, like Benjamin's 1-year birthday party or our trip to Disney World. Stay tuned.