Friday, September 5, 2008

Spoon Man

Becky and I were very excited (and a little shocked) to learn that Benjamin has been feeding himself at Daycare with a spoon. He is an adamant finger-food guy and only likes to eat if he can feed himself. When we’ve tried to give him yogurt or something from a utensil, he turns away with a defiant “Ain’t gonna happen” look on his face.

So, on the sheets that Benjamin gets sent home with from daycare that details his daily activities, we noticed that he ate applesauce at lunch. Putting two-and-two together, finally, we asked his teachers how they fed it to him since he didn’t like to be spoon fed at home. Well, to our surprise, they let us know that Benjamin has been spoon feeding himself for quite some time now.

It is amazing to us how fast our son continues to grow and learn. We know he’s going to be a big boy when he grows up, and that he’s learning by leaps and bounds right now, but as far as mom and dad are concerned, we’d like to keep our little guy around as long as possible.

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